Friday, September 30, 2011

Think Earth.

The Earth needs to be honored, valued, and respected. To anthropomorphize this idea, think of earth for what earth is- living, breathing, and teeming with life. Without earth, none of us would have a home, and none of us would have a life to live. The earth is everyone's home, maybe we should begin to treat it with kindness and help to keep it clean.

Everything you need to know about Global Warming in 5 minutes by a Top Hedge Fund Manager

I ask everyone, what industry do you work in that doesn't require earth's resources to continue business? Every business in the world needs the earth's natural resources: Water, oil, gas, gold, steel, precious metals (for technology), and agriculture are the easy ones. However, there is not one industry on earth that doesn't need earth's life giving ability for sustainability. Maybe it's time to think earth. Think, how can we stop blatant pollution? Think, how can we continue to develop sustainable industries that keep the earth's welfare in mind? Think earth. Respect earth. Give the earth some peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Think Peace. Think Love.

Maybe today is a good time to reflect and think about how much peace have you experienced in your life? How much peace have you given to others and to yourself through your life? There is the confidence to love peace, yourself and others. Love of heart and peace of mind. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A memory of why the world needs peace

Today, and everyday, it is important to remember that peace is an achievable goal... and that peace is a goal that all people want, regardless of party or difference. Let today's efforts be a symbol of the ability to bridge differences for the sake of peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Art of Peace

Many years ago, 1968 to be exact, Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech to the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Fraternity at the Ramada Inn in Portland, Oregon. In this talk Kennedy spoke of the art of peace, and the need for a peaceful constitution domestically and abroad.

Here are some of the quotes from Robert Kennedy's speech in 1968:

Robert F. Kennedy
"In short, America in 1962 did not go to war, because in this and other ways we had practiced the art of peace. In this experience is a great lesson for the world and for America in 1968. America has been identified with power, and in that obsession we have forgotten our purposes. In truth, we are confronted by an extraordinary paradox. Our military strength and national wealth has multiplied beyond the wildest dreams of our fathers; yet the authority with which we speak, the respect in which we are held diminishes...

Our great strength- moral, political, economic, and military- must be used to seek peace with justice, to secure peace without fear... We cannot continue to deny and postpone the demands of our own people, while spending billions in the name of freedom for others. No nation can exert greater influence or power in the world than it can exercise over the streets of its own capital. No government can sustain international law and order unless it can do so at home. No country can lead the fight for social justice unless its commitment to its own people is credible and determined- unless it seeks jobs and not the dole for its men, unless it feels anguish as long as any of its children are hungry, unless it believes in opportunity for all its citizens.

Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote: "The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks/ The long day wanes/ the low moon climbs/ the deep moans round with many voices./ Come my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world."

I come to you today to ask your help in building that newer world. With your support, with your commitment, with your confidence, we will do it." ~Robert Kennedy is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 principle axiom: love world peace

Currently the world is in yet another state of political turmoil and economic uncertainty. We live in a world full of technological advancement, conflicted self-interests, and break neck paces that can create stress, anxiety, and hasty imperfections. It is important to take a moment to breathe, relax and recognize that serentiy, love, and peace are also contributing factors in the world.

Think, how can we as a people create an improved quality of life for the world and how can we develop a future of peace, stability, serenity, and love.

"I've often wondered about the shyness of some of us in the west about standing for these ideals that have done so much to ease the plight of man and the hardships of our imperfect world... let us be shy no longer." ~Ronald Reagan

"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.