Thursday, December 29, 2011

12 Days of Christmas, Happy Holidays

Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago, Photograph by Chris Bauer
It was in many ways a merry Christmas 2011. In sports, Chicago beat LA. Green Bay also won. It was a nice day. Many families were able to spend time together in peace. The end of the year is always great to spend with family and friends, celebrating the joy that is Christmas and ring in the new year. The economy was rough for some people too.

Perhaps, this is a reminder that the commercial aspects of Christmas are economically challenging, but still have the underlying notion that it is better to give than receive. This idea is what makes some people feel like they didn't give a good enough gift, because they feel they didn't give enough. The only advice we have is, to do what you can for good will. Add in the ideas of  all the Christmas lights, Santa, the seaonal time of year, the fun and enthusiastic songs (Mitch Miller and Ray Conniff are old favorites), and family mealtime, and we have 100% Christmas Spirit.  One of the greatest movies ever made about Christmas was from the book, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. A Christmas Story, A Charlie Brown Christmas, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer are also really cool.
O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Photograph by Chris Bauer

The month of December just says Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, and Season's Greating, and Happy Hannukah all over it. Christmas is the biggest, most celebrated holiday the world over. Perhaps this is to be a reminder of the true spirit of Christmas, the desire for peace on earth and good will. Have a holly jolly Christmas. Ok, finally, so what are The Twelve Days of Christmas? These are the twelve days that occur between Christmas Day, December 25, and The Epiphany on January 6.

In a little town called Bethlehem there was the birth of Jesus Christ, and the joy of  love, faith, and peace. God rest ye merry gentlemen and tidings of Comfort and Joy. Jesus has fulfilled the promise of Peace on Earth and God is faithful. Celebrate the gift of life, celebrate life. Celebrate peace. Happy Birthday Jesus, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings! is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, December 16, 2011

'Tis the Season for Basketball Showtime

Metta World Peace

Happy holidays and best wishes. The festive Christmas spirit is here, and so is the basketball season. This season the first game will be held on Christmas day! So for all the fans out there hoping to see basketball, your wish will be answered on Christmas. podcast about Metta World Peace

Check out Metta World Peace, formerly known as Ron Artest ( According to his twitter page, he's all about creating world peace for the entire community. Thanks Metta for your commitment to excellence and to promoting public awareness of the need for world. Most people know that there is a business need and a personal need to promote world peace. And, most people also know that there is a social need, a civil need, and an ecological need to promote world peace. Metta World Peace personifies the idea that there is a personal need to promote world peace. Metta keep up the good work and living the dream of World Peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Season's Greetings

Artwork by Chris Bauer

It's been a long week. Tis the holiday season this year with tidings of comfort and joy. The season is here to celebrate the Christmas holiday: spending precious time with family and friends, shopping, cooking, eating, exchanging gifts, putting up a Christmas tree, and lights, lights, lights.

Why are lights such an important theme to the Christmas season? And why have Christmas lights become more and more popular? Maybe it's because Christmas lights illuminate the message to light the world with the idea of comfort and joy. Perhaps it's because Christmas lights represent the idea that Jesus is the light of the world. Let the light shine. Brighten the world with the Christmas Spirit of peace on earth and good will. Tidings of comfort and joy. Oh tidings of comfort and joy.

Happy Holidays to all, and to all good cheer! is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, December 2, 2011 Video

Hello all. Happy Friday. Enjoy your weekend. The earth orbits the sun. The moon orbits the earth. Peace endeavors on a daily basis. Think peace, serenity, and domestic tranquility. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the holiday! Enjoy the time to relax, renew, refresh, and appreciate the threads of time. Life happens today and everyday. Life is so unique and awe inspiring. What a privilege from the universe to be alive. Thanks for living. Many blessings of abundance, radiant joy, love, peace, good health, and wealth be unto you. 
Title: Living Peace
Artist: Chris Bauer is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

World's First Peace Index

Hello all, happy Wednesday. Please take some time to enjoy your day.

Not so long ago the Institute for Economics & Peace created the world's first Peace Indices. The Global Peace Index and the US Peace Index are composite maps illustrating visual information about peace conditions and trends in peace levels. The Institute's data and findings appear to indicate that there is a strong business need to promote peace.

Peace is a cool...   Global Peace Index key findings. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Online Peace Sanctuary

Feel stressed. Feel over worked, exhausted, burnt out. Just want to relax. Keep up the work, and then make time to relax and be at peace- rest quietly and be at peace. 

The page is a sanctuary for world peace on the world wide web. This page is a beacon of peace that emulates tranquility, serenity, and quiet calm.

Anytime online, visit for 10 minutes to get some perspective of where we are in the world. Check out the page at your leisure and see your world become more peaceful. The world is orbiting around the sun on an invariable path to peace.

photograph is courtesy of NASA
( is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Thursday, November 17, 2011 Website Relaunches Today!

Think peace! promotes public awareness of the need for world peace. is a sanctuary for peace on the world wide web.
Visit the online peace sanctuary anytime:
The world is orbiting around the sun on an invariable path to peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Armistice Day

Teddy Roosevelt at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
On this day in 1918, World War I (known then as the Great War) officially ended with the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany. The ceremonial signing took place in Compiegne, France on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (November 11, at 11am, 1918). Although this officially marked the end of the Great War, some battles still continued in the Russian Empire and in areas of the Ottoman Empire before ceasing.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Veterans Day
November 11 was declared a national holiday by many of the allied nations, to honor and remember the men and women of the armed forced who were killed during war.  After World War II, the name of Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day in the United States and to Remembrance Day throughout the British Commonwealth of Nations. In many places throughout the world people take a two-minute moment of silence at 11am local time to honor the 11am signing of the armistice agreement.

Veterans Day, US
The allied powers included France, The United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth of Nations, Russia, Italy, Serbia, The United States of America, Romania, Japan, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro, and Poland.
Remembrance Day, UK
To veterans and current members of the armed forces throughout the world, may today be a day of peace and re-memory. You are remembered and honored for your service and commitment to justice, security, and peace. Please enjoy your day and may you be safe.

Maybe today will be the day that all war on earth will end. Let us take a lesson from the past that peace is the best choice. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Have a Peaceful Friday

Hope everyone had a wonderful, and enjoyable week. Here is an excerpt from the late, great publisher, Benjamin Franklin. This excerpt is from his autobiography:

Benjamin Franklin
Portrait by Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1777
"I continued this (Socratic) method some few years, but gradually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diffidence, never using, when I advanced anything that may possibly be disputed, the words certainly, undoubtedly, or any others that give the air of positiveness to an opinion; but rather say, I conceive or apprehend a thing to be so and so; It appears to me, or, I should not think it, so or so, for such and such reasons; or, I imagine it to be so; or, It is so, if I am not mistaken. This habit, I believe, has been of great advantage to me when I have had occasion to inculcate my opinions and persuade men into measures that I have been from time to time engaged in promoting. And as the chief ends of conversation are to inform or to be informed, to please or to persuade, I wish well-meaning and sensible men would not lessen their power of doing good by a positive assuming manner that seldom fails to disgust, tends to create opposition, and to defeat most of those purposes for which speech was given to us. In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition and prevent candid attention. If you desire instruction and improvement from others, you should not at the same time express yourself fixed in your present opinions. Modest and sensible men, who do not love disputation, will leave you undisturbed in the possession of you errors. In adopting such a manner, you can seldom expect to please your hearers or obtain the concurrence you desire. 
                                                                               is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dollar Ubiquity and Peace

George Washington once wrote, "It is yet to be decided, whether the revolution must ultimately be decided as a blessing or a curse; a blessing or a curse, not to the present age alone, for with our fate will the destiny of unborn millions be involved." 

He later in his farewell address of 1796 says, "I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the state over which you preside, in His holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the field, and finally, that He would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation."
George Washington portrait by Gilbert Stuart 1797

The first part of his prayer, "to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government," most everyone does a good job of this. This is because most people are peaceful and want to have a nice peaceful private life.  The second part of his prayer, "entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the field," well this is still being prayed for. This part of the prayer still hasn't been answered yet. The last part of Washington's prayer, "that He would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind," is, like the first part, doing pretty well. Most prefer peace, and prefer to practice a peaceful life. Most people have a strong affinity for Justice, for loving mercy, and most people are also charitable and humble.

Washington also writes, "The great Searcher of human hearts knows there is no wish in mine, beyond that of living and dying an honest man, on my own farm."

Will Washington's prayer for his country and for all humankind be ever fully answered? Will there be a love for one another, for fellow citizens, with charity, and a pacific temper of mind? And how about other nations? Will they be able to share in the dream that all people want to have, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness? It is yet to be decided.

We do know that Washington was a slave owner, and that he didn't free his slaves until his death. We also know he was the 1st President. And that he was a great leader, a surveyor, an environmentalist, a farmer, and an honest man who cut down his father's cherry tree. We know too that he graces the US one dollar bill. We also know he was Christian and he believed in Christ. Perhaps this is why his Christian friend Thomas Jefferson, used to remark, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." Tom, and George, both knew that slavery, could not and would not last, not only because it is morally and ethically wrong, but because it is against God's law. It is said, a nation that forgets it's past, has no future. This is in large part true. However, history does not always repeat itself: in the past there was slavery, in the present and future there is freedom!

Ok, so how does this relate to peace? Well take a look at Washington's prayer again- he says, "dispose us all to do Justice, to love mercy, and to have a pacific temper of mind." Pacific temper of mind, is a cool mind, mindful of peace and prosperity. Peace is the way. Washington's remarks from yesteryear, illustrate the threads of peace as peace has continually woven the fabric of our existence and sustenance. The Art of Peace, as Robert Kennedy calls it, has been going on for quite sometime, and it takes time to build a peaceful existence. As the world winds blow, time elapses to further the invariable path to peace on earth. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Peace Corps Celebrates 50 Year Anniversary (1961-2011)

John Kennedy with Peace Corps Volunteers
There is a special ceremony going on in Orono today to celebrate the anniversary:

The Peace Corps was established by John Kennedy to promote world peace and friendship. This year, the Peace Corps is celebrating their 50th anniversary of "promoting peace and friendship around the world." Congratulations, and thank you for working to create a global climate of peace.

The Peace Corps was officially established on March 1, 1961 and, throughout it's history has served more than 138 countries. The Peace Corps is currently serving 76 countries with a staff of 9095 volunteers and trainees. Geographically, 39% volunteer in Africa, 24% volunteer in Latin America, and 18% volunteer in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Economically, 40% of all Peace Corps services go to education, and 12% goes to encourage business development. All this is done on a budget of $374 million a year. To see more quick facts check out the Peace Corps' fast fact page. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Today is United Nations Day

United Nations HQ in New York (courtesy
October 24 is UN Day and marks the anniversary of the UN Charter in 1945. The UN Day concert theme this year is sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Mongolia. The performance today will feature traditional "longsong" and throat singing, which is included on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

"Cultural diversity is a driving force of development, not only with respect to economic growth, but also as a means of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life." ~UN, quote found here, read more here is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Blue Marble

The Blue Marble (courtesy Apollo 17)

This is the famous "blue marble" photograph taken by Apollo 17 astronauts on December 7, 1972. This is our world, the planet on which we all live. From this photo, though you can't see us, we are all here, well unless you were born after 1972 :).  So where ever you are on earth, take the time to enjoy your weekend.

If you have a moment, take the time to really think about the grandness of your life, and how lucky we all are to be here. Take time to think about how precious life is and how great it is to be alive. Whether you realize it or not, you have so much power and so much ability- You have a unique set of natural talents and gifts-  maybe you know this, or maybe you didn't you know- but you are the gift! You are the gift of life and the gift of peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There Is A Business Need To Monetize Peace

There is a real business need to monetize peace. Economies operate much better in peaceful climates. Why is this so? Basic economic principles. A peaceful climate allows for higher revenue, more robust economic activity, and fewer undue costs. The reason for this is a peaceful climate has lower risk and less threats. Lower risk directly translates to a lower cost of doing business. There is also a greater opportunity for business to expand. This is because when people live in a peaceful environment they are free to grow and prosper.

A peaceful environment is a better climate for business (some examples):

+better for car companies to sell more cars
+better for insurance because there will be less crime, and they'll sell more insurance policies
+better for consumer staple companies to sell more products
+better for agricultural companies to sell more food
+better for industrial machinery companies to sell more construction equipment
+better for technology and computer companies to sell more technology
+better for international commerce
+better for consumers because they'll feel "more" safe- less crime to deal with
+better for governments and citizens because there will be an increase in civility
+better for governments because it will keep military personnel safer and stronger
+develops a stronger natural sense for public safety and self awareness

A non-peaceful environment creates inefficiencies, undue costs, and higher levels of risk. A business operating in a non-peaceful environment has higher risk and a larger threat of disruption. Simply put, if people live in a non-peaceful environment they are under threat of being cut down, thus it is more difficult to grow and prosper. Similarly, businesses have a more difficult time growing and sustaining. Ask any business, and they'll tell you that operating in a non-peaceful environment is more challenging because it increases the costs of doing business, it threatens demand, and it threatens supply. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What Would You Choose?

I was searching the world wide web about peace topics and I happened to come across this page by Garry Davis. I thought it was interesting and wanted to share his link. He basically presents the question- suppose you have the choice between world war or world peace.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Writing Is On The Wall

SF Chinatown, dragons for peace + love is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded Today

Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2011 was awarded to three women today. Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee, and democracy advocate Tawakul Karman of Yemen all share the award. Congratulations and thank you! Let today be a day to honor peace and respect life. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

World Peace Foundation

The World Peace Foundation has a new Executive Director- Alex de Waal. He says, "I forsee the World Peace Foundation at Tufts positioning itself as a global leader in rigorous and creative new thinking about peace."

The Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Stephen W. Bosworth, says, "We are extremely excited to welcome the World Peace Foundation into the Fletcher School community. The Foundation's mission and ongoing research initiatives are respected the world over, and align seamlessly with Fletcher's core values and vision. My colleagues and I look forward to working with Alex de Waal on new programming and initiatives in the months to come."

Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

Friday, September 30, 2011

Think Earth.

The Earth needs to be honored, valued, and respected. To anthropomorphize this idea, think of earth for what earth is- living, breathing, and teeming with life. Without earth, none of us would have a home, and none of us would have a life to live. The earth is everyone's home, maybe we should begin to treat it with kindness and help to keep it clean.

Everything you need to know about Global Warming in 5 minutes by a Top Hedge Fund Manager

I ask everyone, what industry do you work in that doesn't require earth's resources to continue business? Every business in the world needs the earth's natural resources: Water, oil, gas, gold, steel, precious metals (for technology), and agriculture are the easy ones. However, there is not one industry on earth that doesn't need earth's life giving ability for sustainability. Maybe it's time to think earth. Think, how can we stop blatant pollution? Think, how can we continue to develop sustainable industries that keep the earth's welfare in mind? Think earth. Respect earth. Give the earth some peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Think Peace. Think Love.

Maybe today is a good time to reflect and think about how much peace have you experienced in your life? How much peace have you given to others and to yourself through your life? There is the confidence to love peace, yourself and others. Love of heart and peace of mind. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Friday, September 23, 2011

A memory of why the world needs peace

Today, and everyday, it is important to remember that peace is an achievable goal... and that peace is a goal that all people want, regardless of party or difference. Let today's efforts be a symbol of the ability to bridge differences for the sake of peace. is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Art of Peace

Many years ago, 1968 to be exact, Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech to the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Fraternity at the Ramada Inn in Portland, Oregon. In this talk Kennedy spoke of the art of peace, and the need for a peaceful constitution domestically and abroad.

Here are some of the quotes from Robert Kennedy's speech in 1968:

Robert F. Kennedy
"In short, America in 1962 did not go to war, because in this and other ways we had practiced the art of peace. In this experience is a great lesson for the world and for America in 1968. America has been identified with power, and in that obsession we have forgotten our purposes. In truth, we are confronted by an extraordinary paradox. Our military strength and national wealth has multiplied beyond the wildest dreams of our fathers; yet the authority with which we speak, the respect in which we are held diminishes...

Our great strength- moral, political, economic, and military- must be used to seek peace with justice, to secure peace without fear... We cannot continue to deny and postpone the demands of our own people, while spending billions in the name of freedom for others. No nation can exert greater influence or power in the world than it can exercise over the streets of its own capital. No government can sustain international law and order unless it can do so at home. No country can lead the fight for social justice unless its commitment to its own people is credible and determined- unless it seeks jobs and not the dole for its men, unless it feels anguish as long as any of its children are hungry, unless it believes in opportunity for all its citizens.

Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote: "The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks/ The long day wanes/ the low moon climbs/ the deep moans round with many voices./ Come my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world."

I come to you today to ask your help in building that newer world. With your support, with your commitment, with your confidence, we will do it." ~Robert Kennedy is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 principle axiom: love world peace

Currently the world is in yet another state of political turmoil and economic uncertainty. We live in a world full of technological advancement, conflicted self-interests, and break neck paces that can create stress, anxiety, and hasty imperfections. It is important to take a moment to breathe, relax and recognize that serentiy, love, and peace are also contributing factors in the world.

Think, how can we as a people create an improved quality of life for the world and how can we develop a future of peace, stability, serenity, and love.

"I've often wondered about the shyness of some of us in the west about standing for these ideals that have done so much to ease the plight of man and the hardships of our imperfect world... let us be shy no longer." ~Ronald Reagan

"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer." ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.