Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There Is A Business Need To Monetize Peace

There is a real business need to monetize peace. Economies operate much better in peaceful climates. Why is this so? Basic economic principles. A peaceful climate allows for higher revenue, more robust economic activity, and fewer undue costs. The reason for this is a peaceful climate has lower risk and less threats. Lower risk directly translates to a lower cost of doing business. There is also a greater opportunity for business to expand. This is because when people live in a peaceful environment they are free to grow and prosper.

A peaceful environment is a better climate for business (some examples):

+better for car companies to sell more cars
+better for insurance because there will be less crime, and they'll sell more insurance policies
+better for consumer staple companies to sell more products
+better for agricultural companies to sell more food
+better for industrial machinery companies to sell more construction equipment
+better for technology and computer companies to sell more technology
+better for international commerce
+better for consumers because they'll feel "more" safe- less crime to deal with
+better for governments and citizens because there will be an increase in civility
+better for governments because it will keep military personnel safer and stronger
+develops a stronger natural sense for public safety and self awareness

A non-peaceful environment creates inefficiencies, undue costs, and higher levels of risk. A business operating in a non-peaceful environment has higher risk and a larger threat of disruption. Simply put, if people live in a non-peaceful environment they are under threat of being cut down, thus it is more difficult to grow and prosper. Similarly, businesses have a more difficult time growing and sustaining. Ask any business, and they'll tell you that operating in a non-peaceful environment is more challenging because it increases the costs of doing business, it threatens demand, and it threatens supply.

demopublican.org is here to promote public awareness of the need for world peace.

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